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Main Offices Worldwide

Eu Yan Sang’s main offices worldwide:
Corporate Office | Australia | China | Hong Kong | Indonesia | Macau | Malaysia | Singapore | Thailand

Corporate Office

Quick Contact List

China: +86 (20) 2237 1879
Hong Kong: +852 2544 3268
Macau: +853 2838 9370
Malaysia: 1 300 888 213
Singapore: +65 6749 8830
Eu Yan Sang International Ltd
269A South Bridge Road
Singapore 058818
Tel: +65 6225 3211
Fax: +65 6225 8276
Email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Any enquiries, please dial 1800 888 1879 for the Eu Yan Sang Customer Service Hotline.


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